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Reform Party Manifesto

WEB Reform UK unveils 'contract with voters' manifesto for 2024 election

Party to scrap net-zero targets, freeze immigration and 'stop the boats'

WEB Reform UK has launched its version of a manifesto for the 2024 general election which it is calling Our Contract With You.

The party, which is currently the largest in the Jersey States Assembly, has unveiled a range of policies which it says will "create a more equal society" and "prepare Jersey for the challenges of the future".

Among the key pledges in the manifesto are:

  • Scrapping net-zero targets
  • Freezing immigration
  • Stopping the boats
  • Standing up for British culture, identity and values

WEB Reform UK leader, Stewart James, said: "This manifesto is a contract with voters. It sets out our vision for a better future for Jersey. We are the only party that can offer a real alternative to the successive generations of conservative governments that have failed our island."
