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Dallas Weather By Month

Discover the Weather of Dallas: A Guide to the Subtropical Climate

Summer's Scorching Heat

Dallas experiences its hottest month in August, with scorching temperatures reaching an average high of 95°F (35°C) and dipping to a mild low of 76°F (24°C). The summer months bring sweltering heat and high humidity, creating a muggy and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Mild Winters and Steaming Summers

Dallas's subtropical climate features mild winters with average January temperatures ranging from 40°F (4°C) to 58°F (14°C). Summer, however, is an entirely different story. From June to September, temperatures soar, accompanied by relentless humidity that can make even the simplest tasks feel like a chore.

Monthly Temperature Fluctuations

Throughout the year, Dallas's temperatures vary significantly. The coldest months, December, January, and February, have average low temperatures dropping to the low 40s (°F). In contrast, the hottest month, August, sees average highs soaring into the mid-90s (°F).

Navigating the Weather

For those visiting or considering a move to Dallas, it's essential to be aware of the extreme temperature fluctuations. During the summer months, staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous outdoor activities in the peak heat, and seeking air conditioning whenever possible is crucial.

During the winter, while the temperatures may not be as severe, layers of clothing and warm accessories are essential to handle the chilly mornings and evenings. Dallas's subtropical climate offers a distinct change of seasons, with its own unique challenges and joys.
